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How much confidence can you feel in your voice while you say that you can address every single problem that arises unexpectedly in your car? Well, we are aware of the fact that not most of us are skilled enough to name every single problem and reason why our car is behaving differently from how it used to. Even though the heating and cooling systems in your car are connected somehow, it should be noted that both of these systems are different and have separate functions to perform.

Being the experts at finding and eliminating errors, issues, and defects in the heating-cooling systems and other car functions, we can confidently say that once your car arrives at our service station, we will make sure to get it delivered to you only after we can confirm that your car will be performing at optimum level.

Car Xpert is considered the best car service franchise in India as all the service stations and the name of the Car Xpert franchise business are highly equipped with advanced machinery and equipment. The service stations are advanced and are capable of treating almost every brand and model of the car. The reason why Car Xpert service station is considered the best car service center is because of the presence of the most skilled and professional mechanics who are backed by years of experience in the field.

Common Issues that Trigger the Car Cooling Problems

Harmed Condensor

The condenser in AC is a device that facilitates the process of heat exchange, allowing the system to throw heat outside. It should be noted that for the condenser to function optimally, the condenser is placed in the front of your vehicle, which makes it vulnerable to damage. If you encounter any damage in the condenser, then it is advised to get it replaced as soon as possible to get rid of further damage.

Low Refrigerant

It is the condition that arises when your car's AC is making unusual sounds and is not cooling like it usually does. The cool blow and warm air coming out of the AC depends significantly on the refrigerant level, and facing this issue in summer can certainly be the most unpleasant experience.

Common Issues that Trigger the Car Heating Problems

Broken Down Heater Core

If you are not aware of what are heater core is, then you should know that it is a mini radiator made of aluminum or brass metal that allows coolant that was drawn from the engine to ventilate. Your car's heater core is vulnerable to a lot of problems such as fan-blown air not reaching the heater core, clogged tubing, or the cooler not functioning properly within the heater core. You should ensure to get your car serviced regularly to avoid such problems persisting and triggering other issues in your car.

Low Coolant Levels

The heat drawn from the coolant is utilized by your car to warm up the cabin as the car's coolant passes through the heater core after being drawn from the engine block. A low coolant level triggers a situation where the efficiency of the evacuation of heat from the engine is reduced, and hence the reduced amount of heat is made available at the heater core.

Failed Thermostat

A malfunctioned, or a failed thermostat will cause the heater to work inappropriately or not work at all. You must take care of the situation as the best option to take care of the situation is to get the thermostat replaced immediately so that it cannot do further damage to the system.

You just need to give Car Xpert a call today, and your car will be picked up from your office for home by one of the drivers at Car Xpert, who will then get it serviced by the most skilled hands and get it delivered to your doorstep. The professional mechanics will ensure that every function of your car is working at its full potential, and that's another reason why Car Xpert is well-known for offering the best multibrand car service in India.

No more waiting in a long queue for your car's turn to get serviced and wasting your entire weekend when you can actually spend time with your family while your car is pampered by the most skilled hands.

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